The Price Of Greatness.

Aaditya Kedare


For the past few months I’ve been studying how mystics and the enlightened ones live. Leaving everything behind that will make them suffer, leaving the root cause of suffering itself - desire. And I always tried to practice this way of living - being happy with the present and not being ambitious about something that you want. Whenever I tried this, it’s like life showed me again and again that the way of buddha or the way of kabir is not for you. Inreality I always tried to run from the suffering, the pain of not having success, the confusion I tried to hide from it.

But I think no one can run from what comes in their way, you start to resist the things that come in your way and existence will show you how strong it is. And I think after a while you have to realise that you can’t run - The Greatness Is Your Way, and you have to pay the price for it. Where ambition is not enough, you need pure obsession. The risks, the sacrifices, you have to face it all. And I realise that it is not necessary to leave your dreams, your ambition, your obsession behind to become what we call enlightened. I have a perfect example of it - The Krishana, I think Krishna is the perfect example of what a man with his full potential looks like. God or Not - at last he was on the earth as a human being. A man full of contradictions, a man who had immense pain and immense love integrated in him, a man took it all with a smile. When he had to play the flute he played, when he had to pick the weapon, he slayed - Didn’t complain nor hesitate while doing his job / karma.

And that I think is my understanding of living life to the fullest - By taking it all with a smile, no hesitations, no resistance, no running. If Greatness is What I Wish - The Price Must be Paid.